Publicators Features
Thousand of interactions and touchpoints occurs regularly between your website and its visitors. For them, email marketing is an essential environment to complete the selling process. A robust connection also exists between mailing platform and CRM, telemarketing platforms and all sorts of organization’s Data Bases. API enables integration between all platforms, which eventually promotes marketing automations such as event triggered campaigns, data transfer and update and so much more.
All features
Conversion rate of online shoppers, are normaly somewhere between 2% and 10% tops. Smart email marketing can increase these rates and win back customers . How? We have few tools for you
It all starts with easy to use newsletter creator. Whether you’re using pre-designed templates or import one of your own, it’s mostly important that you’ll have the ability to easily update content and manage your subscribers lists. After a campaign was sent, a great mailing platform enables you to track the results in real time - open rates, click rates, unsubscribes, performance comparison and more. Everything that can help your next campaign get even better.
At the end of the day, email marketing is mostly a marketing tool. Therefore, in order to open more options for your marketing team, and to make the most out of your mailing activities, we’re glad to introduce you with some of the tools and special services you can get: Triggers, User Interests, Users Profiles, Digital Magazine, Mobile vs Desktop report, Campaign Compare report, and iCreate (Campaign management)
Mailing system is no longer a stand alone platform. Here are few of the modules that are built-in in Publicators email marketing solution: Landing pages, Sign up forms, Polls, SMS.
eCommerce Personalization
MOREWhat if you could know what your customers want? What is it that they love? What are they looking for on your website, what newsletter to send each one of them with what content and when to send them?... well, we’re happy to announce that you can, and it works like magic.Using a smart algorithm that learns website visitors’ behavior, personalised mails are being automatically created and delivered - the products he viewed, purchased, on-site search, mail interactions & statistics, and more. The algorithm learns what & when to send and what delivery works best, and than execute. Yes, sometimes dreams do come true. -
Drag & Drop Editor
MOREOur drag & drop editor is so simple and friendly, that along with the pre designed templates, anyone can easily manage their marketing.
MOREPublicators enables you to use most of the platform’s functionalities through our API.
Actions like bulk sending, retrieve data like open and click rates, set automated campaigns, transfer subscribers between lists and more.
Beautiful Gallery of Newsletter Templates
MOREOn top of the easy and simple to use drag & drop editor, we’ve added a beautiful gallery of newsletter templates, to help you start smoothly.
All templates can be modified according to your brand colors, you can easily change texts, pictures and blocks and a lot more.
MOREReady, set... go!
A smart deployment of triggers can boost your service and marketing results. Add to it predefined auto-newsletters, and you got a great customer experience.
Let’s take a regular campaign for example, a subscriber clicked a link inside and redirected to a product page on your website, but did not completed the purchase. The next day, he / she receives a special deal related to that exact product straight to their inbox.
Same goes with pageviews, clicking, date events like a birthday or submitting any other form - actions are great triggers to send an automated mail.
MOREOpen rate, click rates, desktop vs mobile, inmail links, numbers, hours, unsubscribes, errors, and a lot more - all measured, shown and ready for your analysis in real time. Reports might be the most important marketing tool for you to be on top of.
MOREA simple form like signup to your amazing newsletter, onsite popup, contact form, new product waiting list form, event signup, big sale and more…
All data fields can be set and saved. To complete the experience, don’t forget to set an automatic reply mail , sent right after filling in the form.
Landing Pages
MOREThe right and natural flow of every newsletter campaign, is subscribers clicking links inside, for further actions. If it’s not your website or social, a landing page can provide the perfect solution to present your content and get great conversion rates - Product sale,event signup, anything you need in order to get the desired result- purchase, getting extra data, signup and more.
Abannded Cart e-mail
MORESo your customer reached the payment page with a bunch of your great products in his cart but for some reason they didn’t complete the purchase. The evidently action required in response to that trigger, is to send them “the item you were looking for is now on a special discount” email.
Personal “cart abandoned” newsletter is a top sales promoter.
MORELike a belt to shoes, a bun to a burger, that’s how SMS is to email :-)
Your subscribers are communicating regularly by their mobile. It’s only but natural to reach out to them sometimes using a text message. It can contain a link to a landing page, a sale reminder, event directions or any other information you wish to deliver to them in a complementary way to an email.
Send by Segment *API
MOREOne of the most required API integration that our customers are asking for, is the ability to create dynamic HTML using their own website data, and send it as a newsletter via Publicators. The more you use advanced analytics platforms, that’s how personal your newsletter can get.
The main use of such an ability is to send segment-based offers in a newsletter, while you can add personal details to each subscriber from their personal record.
Automated Newsletter
MOREYour clients expect a great user experience and we are here to help that happen. You probably have a “contact us” form in your website. An evidently customer experience means to send an automatic “thank you” email right after they click “send”. Same goes with any subscription a user performs in a form. Each subscription trigger can activate an auto-reply mail or a sequenced newsletters.
Delete from List *API
MOREA common use of this function, is adding and removing from mailing lists according to the subscriber's attributes and actions.
For example: if a subsciber filled a form or clicked a certain URL, this function can add him to a list or remove him from one
MOREHaving lots of types of lists in your account? We have the greatest mechanism to help you keep your data organized. You can also cross and create all kinds of filtering from any number of lists. For example: 30-35 years, females, interested in baby clothes. Data based sales and marketing
User Interest Fields
MOREWhat interests each subscriber?
How to decide what is the right list to put him on, in order for him to receive the content he likes?
Let your subscribers choose for themselves!
Free Trial
MOREWanna try? With pleasure.
Contact us and we’ll create a free trial for you. We’d love to chat a little, to understand your needs and goals so we could fit you with the best solution.
Subscriber Details
MOREProviding a mini-crm, Publicators enables you to store dozens of details for each subscriber. Pre-defined and customizable fields. You can significantly increase your campaigns conversion rates by sending each newsletter to smart groups and segments based on characteristics, fields of interest and behaviour.
MOREWhat we call a “profile”, is basically a segment, defined by set of rules, like localization, purchase behaviours and combination of fields of interest. Meaning, sending relevant campaigns, sent to the relecant customer at the time.
A profile is a real time view on a specific types of subscribers, crossing all of your lists.
MOREHave a list, or even many of lists of subscribers? You probably also have all kind of data on top of his email address. You can easily import data to our Mailing distribution platform. The platform automatically filter duplication, manage bounces and store details for each subscriber.
MOREYou have the ability to export all of your data from Publicators to excel (csv). After creating lists based on user behaviour: opens, clicks, purchases or based on data manipulation, or when reviewing a report - you have the “export” button if you need. You also have the ability to use our API to import and export data from Publicators to you and vice versa.
MOREOld timer customers have dozens and hundreds of email campaigns. We provide them a sorting mechanism. By tagging campaigns, lists and landing pages, they could then easily find what they’re looking for.
Campaign Comparison
MOREExactly as it sounds - Publicator enables you to comparison compare between campaigns. Data values for comparison like open rates, click, removals, mobile vs. desktop and more. All the data is exportable.
Mobile vs. Desktop
MOREYes, we are Y generation, or to be more exact - the mobile generation. Did you know that as of 2017, 35% of newsletters opens are from smartphones? That’s what make it so important to take alook at the Mobile vs. desktop open rates, to draw the right conclusion to the next newsletter.
Unsubscribe Manager threw *API
MOREIsraeli spam law states that you must enable a subscriber the ability to unsubscribe themselves by adding an “unsubscribe link” at the bottom of every newsletter.
In marketing terms, with Publicators you are able to watch real time reports of unsubscribes, including reason for unsubscribe, what’s the campaign origin and more.
We’re asked a lot about managing unsubscribers on multiple platforms.
“If a user unsubscribes himself from a newsletter, is it possible to send the data to our crm?”
Yes. Each unsubscribe trigger can call a link and deliver an email address or other identifier.
Manage Recipient Lists threw *API
MORESometimes we need certain triggers to assign a user to a certain list, or to remove them from it. For instance, clicking a link or opening a newsletter classifies a user as belong to a certain segment. Or changing status, like from “lead” to a “customer”.
After api-adding/removing him from a list, you might want to call a code that also starts or stops a sequence of emails. All is possible using our API.
Attribution to Lists and Automated Campaigns threw *API
MORESometimes we need certain triggers to assign a user to a certain list, or to remove them from it. For instance, clicking a link or opening a newsletter classifies a user as belong to a certain segment. Or changing status, like from “lead” to a “customer”.
After api-adding/removing him from a list, you might want to call a code that also starts or stops a sequence of emails. All is possible using our API.
Responsive Newsletter
MOREWell isn’t it a must? Increasingly as mobile users reader percentage are, you’d better send responsive newsletters. Our drag & drop newsletters editor, was planned to create adaptive HTML, that makes your emails look good both on mobile and on smartphone.
MOREMeet iCreate: smart complementary platform that enables you to create. Manage and analyze digital campaigns and lead management.
It starts with an awesome landing page and minisite generator,continues with tracking campaign results sorted by media sources, and finally enables you lead management, a mini-crm and much more.
Another cool feature is smart lightbox that can be customized personally to retrieve different content to each user.
Digital Magazine
MORECompanies that produces diverse content, or ones that wants to keep a content-based customers club, are normally using a Digital Magazine type of newsletter.
First, we layout the content types that we want to share the readers with. Then we design a beautiful yet practical template, one that enables changing content easily while keeping the same design.
Personal Newsletter
MOREWe start by collecting smart data in a landing page or a website. We ask a visitor to check the relevant content topics that he wish to receive in a newsletter. In the meantime, we build a personal newsletter in the Publicators. We set rules to display each content piece, so that each subscriber will receive only the content pieces that are relevant to him (yes, in one newsletter).
Eventually we send only one, very long newsletter that rarely displays fully to a viewer, since each one receives just the content that he marked as interesting.
Advance Customer Loyalty Solution
MOREBy integrating directly to cash registers, on and off line, you can track customer’s purchase activities. It allows you to send them personal emails, with specific discount or benefits adjusted for them personally. Yes, we’re talking about the next stage of customer loyalty plans. Simply by setting sets of rules, defining levels of membership and relevant offers. For example: “Gold” members will receive relevant offers based on their purchase history, and special discounts relevant to their grade. Same goes for users who bought for a certain amount, location based mails, inventory based deals etc.