
KKL-JNF for a Sustainable Future

Partnership Opportunities

KKL-JNF-Zemach-Kinneret Innovation Center
The synergy between KKL-JNF, Kinneret Academic College and the Zemach Mifalim Company has produced a new home for groundbreaking projects in the fields of water, agriculture, and biotechnology. Construction of the facility, which will include the Kinneret Innovation Center, will integrate green building elements.

Renewable Energy
Strategic Plan in Cooperation with the Heschel Center for Sustainability
KKL-JNF's joint initiative with the Heschel Center for Sustainability involves the development of a localized economic model for the production of renewable energy to be tested in Israel's regional councils. The project includes relevant mappings, feasibility studies and testing various models to transform built-up areas (residential, commercial and industrial) into those solar generated by placing photovoltaic (PV) panels throughout chosen areas. The joint project's deliverable will be an economic, engineering and social model that will enable the feasibility of various alternatives to be calculated, which will determine development prioritization within a respective local authority.

Israel Sustainable Development Goals (ISDG) Program
KKL-JNF is a partner in the ISDG Program, an Israeli, nationwide high school competition to create projects that address one or more of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for developing countries. ISDG, a joint effort between KKL-JNF and the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, provides an empowering experience for young people, preparing the scientists, conservationists, researchers, legislators, and policy makers of the future. Today's youth will define the environmental policies of the next decade.

Regional Climate Conference 2021
In 2021 KKL-JNF will participate in organizing a national climate change summit, leading up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in which Israel is participating for the first time in its history. Fourteen regional climate change committees, with public participation, will gather in preparation for the summit. This is an opportunity for every donor to participate and influence government policy on the issue.

"Water in the Desert" Program
Eilot Region
The "Water in the Desert" educational program was designed for the residents of the Eilot region and its surroundings to acquaint them with all aspects of water issues related to the desert. Content includes the local desert environment of the southern Arava and the Eilot region, and basic concepts, such as the water cycle in nature and the desert, how humans cope with the scarcity of water in the desert, the history of hydrology in the Arava, flash floods, and water technologies, among others. The educational, scientific and community facets are integrated with the region's research bodies, academia and industry.
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Keren Kayemeth Leisrael
Jewish National Fund

Global Resource Development Division
Projects & Marketing Department

Jerusalem 2021

KKL-JNF: Shaping the Future of Israel

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